There’s not so much to tell about me. The story of how I ended up collecting garbage from my friends is long and meaningless. When I was a kid I wanted to be a painter, and I was afraid of the bathtub drain. After 5 years living in Mexico, I came back as a different person, and eating more spicy food. I’m not good at lying to myself, but I’m okay with it. Oh, I have a cat, not much help, but annoying, which is another way to participate in the process. Good luck getting any conclusions from this information.
Since an About me is needed, I’d like to take this opportunity and dedicate it to some people without whom I wouldn’t know how to do this. I feel I owe them something, so let this serve as an admission of debt.

Heinz Strobl
To this German we owe the development of Snapology, the modular origami technique that allows to make polyhedra.

Ed Chew
If my information doesn't fail me, this Malaysian architect was the first one who combined Snapology, tetrapaks and lamp design.

"Chimi" is an example of how "doing something" matters less than "how to do it". I feel close to him without knowing him. If you see him on the internet, tell him I'm looking for him.

Dave Honda
The mad mathematician who takes a given technique to the next level. Just visit his website and you'll understand what I'm saying.